EDAH o.z. (Slovakia)

The NGO Edah develops educational films with Holocaust related testimonies in the Slovak region and invites young  students to workshops with this material. In this context the educators also discuss the role of the Slovak civic society and the history of traditionally embedded anti-Semitism. Many workshops take place in collaboration with the Sereď Holocaust Museum, which was created on the site of the former labour and concentration camp in Sereď. The context for the workshops is the museum’s educational centre for events, seminars, and courses that focuses on educating and informing the public about Jewish culture and the impact of the Holocaust on the life of Jews in Slovakia.

Posts related to EDAH o.z. (Slowakia)

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Role within the project

The NGO Edah, represented by Matěj Beránek, will join forces with the commemoration site Hartheim and the education department of the museums of the city of Linz to further develop methods dealing with civic responsibility in the context of work package #3. Here they contribute their specific workshop method that is built on filmed testimonials of the Holocaust. Edah will invite the MemAct! team to their working context in Slovakia to observe a workshop with young students working with their material. Based on the joint analyses work package #3 will develop further ideas of how to include oral history in educational work which addresses the ethics of responsibility and civic participation in the Nazi system and inform methods that will be available in the Open Access Online Toolkit.